
Client Keys

KASKO will provide you with two Client keys: TEST and LIVE.

TEST key is for development purposes using test credit card credentials without real charges being made or insurance policies being created.

LIVE key is to create real policies. Credit card information will be processed, charges will be made and real insurance policies will be created.

Secret Keys

KASKO will provide you with two Secret keys to be used with the REST API.

TEST key is for development purposes without real insurance policies being created.

LIVE key is to create real policies. Once the distributor confirms that payment has been received real insurance policies will be created.

Your API keys carry many privileges, including allowing issuing of insurance policies for which payment will be owed by the distributor, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

If you are concerned about the security of one of your secret keys please contact immediately and we will rotate the key.

Product Keys

KASKO will provide you with distinct product keys for each insurance product that you have access to.

This key must be provided to the KASKO JS and REST API respectively.

Last updated