Data API

When to use it

You would use the Data API when you have an array of customer domain data and want to do any of the following things:

  • allow the webapp user to choose a value for some field from a predefined set, not adding another value to the set;

  • validate the user input against a predefined set of values both on frontend and backend;

  • populate some more fields based on the user’s choice in another field;

  • allow to choose values for different fields, thus filtering and narrowing down the choices for the following fields belonging to the same set of data;

  • limit the availability of the whole set to a certain account;

  • limit the availability of certain fields to frontend.

How to use it

A typical usage flow:

  • The frontend app requests a list of items for a dropdown to display on the field with the dataset rule from the Data API, specifying the dataset fields;

  • The Data API responds with a list of item IDs and values for the chosen dataset fields;

  • User selects a value;

  • The frontend app requests a single dataset item by its ID;

  • The API responds with the full set of public fields for the item;

  • The frontend app submits a dataset item ID in the payload for the field instead of a set of fields (e.g. company data) to the quote or policy API, e.g. "some_field”: ”dai_some_dataset_item_id________”.

How to retrieve the data


All of the retrieval samples below show unauthenticated requests for publicly available datasets.

When you need to access a dataset locked to an account, add an Authentication: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN header to the request.

Get a dataset information record

Get a dataset information record


Path Parameters

    "id": "dat_abcxyz______________________",
    "name": "Some dataset name",
    "languages": ["en", "de"]

List items from a set

List items from a set.


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

            "id": "dai_abcxyz",
            "value": {
                "name": "Kasko",
                "code": "Z1",

The query parameter format is [{"field": "FIELD", "search": "VALUE", "operator": "OPTIONAL_OPERATOR"}].

The search field of the query parameter supports % wildcards; the accepted operators are >, >=, <, <=, and IN. The type of the value is array for the IN operator and string for everything else.

Sample search value:

  {"field": "name", "search": "Kas%"},
  {"field": "price", "operator": ">", "search": "10"},
  {"field": "category", "operator": "IN", "search": ["a", "b"]}

The sort parameter format is [{"field": "FIELD", "dir": "asc|desc"}].

Example Request

curl '' \
    -d language=de \
    -d fields=["name","code"]

The Link header holds the links for the next and previous page queries.

List distinct values of a field in a dataset

List items from a set.


Path Parameters

Query Parameters

            "id": "dai_abcxyz",
            "value": {
                "name": "Kasko",
                "code": "Z1",

Get one item

Get dataset item


Query Parameters

    "id": "dai_abcxyz",
    "data": {
        "field_name": "field_value"

Sending data to backend

Instead of the literal values in the dataset item you send the item ID.

Example Request For a Quote:

  "company": "dai_123_some_item_id_____________",

The backend service transparently converts this input to the full item available to use in pricing, policy, etc.

Last updated