Pricing Variables

Integration or distributor specific pricing calculation for your product.

Pricing Variable allows you to set some fixed values for specific quote inputs on the integration level. This means you can have one product performing differently per integration. The most common use case is having different discounts on the same product for different distributors; other use cases can be different commissions.

To make Pricing Variables work properly, you will need to set it up on the Pricing Logic Excel, Pricing Validation Rule, and Pricing Variables on the Integration. In the Pricing Logic Excel, you will need to add the variables to the Predefined Field area (column G-H). For example, if you are setting discount as the variable, add this field to column G. Next is to make sure wherever you need to calculate your premium with this variable, you reference the value (column H) so that the calculation reflects correctly. Be aware that this value (column H) will be a simple input format (can not be pre-formatted to % for example), so if you're doing discount as a percentage, the value should be set as flat (set as 10 instead of 10%) and you can do the percentage calculation in your formula.

Once the Pricing Logic Excel is ready, the second step is to configure this on Product Builder - Pricing Validation Rules. You should be able to find the pricing_variables section. Simply add the variable fields below this section, for example

"pricing_variables": [
    "name": "discount",
    "validation": "required|integer"

Once the Pricing Logic and Validation Rules are set up (read more in Pricing Logic), you can go to the Integration → Pricing Variable Configuration screen. You should be able to see the + button to add a new Pricing Variable.

Once clicked, you will see a new entry, with a dropdown of the variables you added to the Excel and the Validation. Next to the dropdown, you will be able to set the fix value for this particular Integration. Once set, all the quotes calculated from this Integration, will always have this field/value filled.

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